Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Things First...

Okay, so this is the plan starting Monday -

Step 1: I have to deprive myself of wine Sunday thru Thursday.  Why?  Well, this isn't rocket science but it does stink.  Wine goes right to my waste, wine makes me make bad eating decisions, and wine is empty calories that add up quickly and I'd rather eat. 

Step 2: Portion control - I'm going to measure my cereal, count pretzels and write down what I eat; it works every time.  It's  too embarrassing to write down that I ate 8 Fudge Stripes; really!; it works every time.

Step 3: Exercise, exercise, exercise.  Now I have been doing a lot of exercise but for some crazy reason I thought this gave me cart blanche to eat and drink anything at anytime.  News Flash: it doesn't; you can still gain weight if you take in more calories than you are burning; and this is surprisingly easy to do.

I can do it....I'm psyched....okay, a little vodka in crystal light in a pinch isn't bad, right?

1 comment:

  1. Everything you said is so true. I fall into that same trap. "I worked out today so I can eat that" is NOT true! I'm doing a full pantry scan tomorrow and throwing away all of the girl scout cookies I bought and anything else I shouldn't eat.
