Saturday, November 29, 2014

Life is a Marathon not a Sprint

I like to refer to Funday Sunday of our girls weekend every summer as a marathon not a sprint, but then realized it really just applies to life and not necessarily just pacing yourself on a 13 hour drink a thon.  I know sometimes it feels like life goes by fast, but this time of year when you reflect on the previous 11 mos - I don't know about you but it definitely feels more like a marathon.

Monday, December 1 - I start a new journey with Tableau, a data visualization company headquartered in Seatlle and Austin.  I wouldn't have this tremendous opportunity without the belief of an amazing champion. I have sold ice cream, Amway, Aluminum siding, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Television Advertising, Germicides/Wound dressings and CMO Club memberships - somehow I'll figure out Data - and as my friend Aaron says, "Lysa will do great - she'll fake it till she makes it".  True that Aaron.

When I thought about how lucky I am to be in the position I am right now, I feel extremely blessed to have had some many champions in my work life that I am also connected to via Facebook a.k.a  @Robin Rheiner - the power of proof reading @Meredith Naples Berkowitz - never let them see you cry and the benefits of being a proficient pencil sharpener  @Duane Lammers - let me know on air was not an option; sales was my destiny @Megan Burns - big hearted sister who opened the door for me and was very patient @Brian Williams - I won't let you down ---- a big thank you to all of you.

So here's to new beginnings and soon a new year.  It is never too late to start something new, learn new things and make new friends.  Someone recently said, "why do you want to do this"?  My thought is more like why wouldn't I.  I am so excited for my children to see me do something other than make their life easy. In the past 2 weeks, the boys have learned to do wash - you're welcome future Mrs. Stylski's.  They are quite capable of making their lunches and setting their alarms.  I actually feel like I'm possibly doing them a huge favor.  As for my daughter, well sometimes you learn from good role models and my mom is one of the best.  She just informed me that she restarted her career at the age I am now.  To my daughter Francine - be who you want and don't feel like any decision is permanent.  Change is always possible if you are open to it. Join me in making the changes in your life that are going to make it feel like the best marathon you ever ran.........

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Ahhhh, The Right Spot

Life is so interesting and I am continuously musing at our ever changing needs and wants with change in age.  I had a recent revelation regarding the different stages in life.  Here it is... we at some point sought the "G" spot.  We laughed with our lover at trying to avoid the "wet spot".   In my newest stage of life, I desperataly throw my leg around at night in need of a "cold spot".  Those cold spots are so sweet and rewarding - I have no comment regarding the other.....

Attempting to avoid constant 5 pm trips into a bottle of Chardonnay, I have designated yoga as my new "Happy Hour".   Lots of great options in Cary and elsewhere, but if you haven't tried "hot" yoga try and if you are looking for some yoga with meditation, I love - to feel like a teenager add riding your bike there!

Teenagers continue to challenge me.   They act like my blog keeps them in check, because whatever they do I'm going to write it.  I love the recent answer to this question.  "When was the last time you were high?" Teenager, "the last time you caught me."  Now, that is quick thinking.  Thanks to a member of the family in the medical profession, we have a case of professional grade drug tests and a breathalyzer within arms reach.  Party on Garth - but be prepared to pee in the cup.  We added a driver recently.  He is currently shopping for cars determined to trade in the 1997 Honda Civic for a much cooler Jeep Cherokee.  I tried showing him pictures of my first car - a chartreuse Chevrolet Maverick.  He is not impressed.  Sad fact.  Remember all the senior awards for Best Smile, Class Clown, Most Likely to Succeed.  Well, at our High School there is an award for Coolest Car.  Nice that mommy and daddy can buy you cool, but news flash, cool doesn't buy you a personality or much else in my opinion. 

This summer, I have created my own bucket list.  I want to bike ride the entire American Tobacco Trail and the other is a naughty "Girls Night Out" where we discover a new "Hot Spot" - if you haven't ever gone - you should -  So fun with a bunch of ladies with dinner and drinks after.  Here's another list (a little more G rated) for our area -

Join me in making this a great summer, full of challenges, change and finding the "Right Spot".

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I'm not going to lament long on hot flashes and menopause because it seems really "ugh" - but #holyhotflashes doesn't begin to describe my nighttime sweatarama.  I keep thinking of the song by the band Perry - "If I Die Young" and want to substitute "lay me down in an igloo" for "lay me down in a bed of roses".   I dream of someone bringing me some ice packs and he kinda looks like this - I haven't had a crush since Patrick Rafter, US Open winner 1992, but hello Clint Eastwood's model son - I am an admirer for sure!
I'm a big believer in, " if you don't have something to say - don't say it" so I've been kinda quiet for awhile.  I'm now thinking that you may be able to relate to what I'm experiencing.  I've also been thinking about the month of January and how much I think the month sucks and then I feel really bad because it's actually the month of one of my sister's bdays.  But it's okay, she totally feels the same about the month in general and she's already taken the advice I'm soon to dispense here.  I had an epiphany while on a brief run yesterday.  I say brief because due to the calories taken in, it should have been more extensive, but oh well.  Hollywood is so smart to have all these awards shows in January.  I'm sure it's for the viewing public and we wouldn't watch anything so boring if it wasn't January.  But what a great incentive to not give into the cold and bleakness of January (lucky West Coasters here) - they've got a party to go to and need to put on a form fitting dress.  This is where I can't help but give some sage advice.  Join me in getting out there.  Party like you are a star.  Have people over.  Put on something form fitting.  Nobody can put baby in the corner.  Try something new.  Make new friends.  Make a Lifeboard - Plan for 2014 and make it happen.  Thanks for joining me - it's not fun to be alone.