Friday, January 4, 2013

A Week of Saturdays

Our family Christmas was really, really nice.  As we were leaving Pennsylvania for the ride back to North Carolina, my mom commented that it was a "week of Saturdays".  That sums it up and I do realize that we are extremely lucky to feel that way.

The fall from a week of Saturdays is far.  I knew the week after would suck and boy this week did not disappoint.  I'm rallying though and that is why I'm writing this blog.   I'm trying to rally myself and hopefully if you need a little push you'll get it here.

If you haven't created your calendar of fun events - do it.  I have my cheap dollar store calendar on my counter and I'm hungrily filling it out.  I'm slowly marking people's visits here and our trips planned (starting to feel excited).  Then my daughter informs me that there's a 5 day weekend the 3rd weekend in January (and I feel a quick slide into complete despair).   Ugh.  I'm on a post Christmas austerity program and the boys are serious about their Town of Cary Basketball team which means I have no chance in hell of going anywhere.  I'm going to hunker in and try not to stand out as the most buzzed one in the room = good goal!

Here is where I want to address something serious.  Depression is real and serious and I'm not the person to diagnose or dispense real advise regarding it.  I can suffer from forms of it occasionally and sometimes you need help and real medication (not just a glass of wine).  You're the only person who knows the depth of your despair.  In my early 40's, I required a little extra medical attention.  I sought it out and it helped.  I knew when I didn't need it anymore.  You need to know your body and how your feeling and when it's more serious than what a workout, talk with a friend, or a lazy day in bed (mental health day) can fix.  Know when you need help and seek it.

What to do if just in a mid winter I hate January slump?  The best advice I can give myself is keep moving. At least if I do something constructive exercise wise, I feel better about everything else.  I went to the gym yesterday and it was definitely a mood elevator.  You realize life if going on all around you, you just need to join in.  January is a long ass month. I have to stop myself from thinking how much I despise January because it is one of my sisters birthdays:) only 4 weeks left.........join me in my plan to keep moving and not falling into a wintry slump!!  We can do it.

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