Friday, August 5, 2011

Fair Warning

Well the Stylski girls are 1/2 packed and have one foot out the door. 

I'm leaving with the following ground rules in place.  No sleep overs for the next 2 weeks at Casa Stylski.  Sleep outs welcome!  Papa Bear doesn't go up to the third floor (slumber party location) to survey the damage.  It almost feels insurmountable when I return from a trip.  I'm talking dishes, clothing, cases of empty drinks bottles and just plain ole crap everywhere (potentially including dog crap).  And just for the record and I may be repeating myself here; there was a slumber party that involved streaking.  I'm sure you don't want your children involved in these sort of shenanigans.  Needless to say Papa Bear is a very heavy sleeper so nights could be a free for all.  Keep your children away.  Rule #2 - No friends over after school when there is not an adult home especially for BMXing.  Now this may sound obvious, but somehow it will be overlooked and ignored.  We used to have a trampoline.  I am an idiot and really do I need to say more.  As soon as I'm gone there's been head staples, loose teeth, concussions - and you thought I was just a "Nervous Nelly" to be leaving?  Trust me, I have sufficient reason to be cautiously optimistic that everyone will still have their limbs when I get back.  I just saw this morning (and I was here for the BMX party yesterday) a hatchet and hand saw for some reason out on work bench in the garage.  I'm waiting to confront the boys when they get back from school today as to what the uses of those tools was yesterday.  I'm scared...........

So fair warning.  Lock your children up and don't let them anywhere near Casa Stylski for the next 2 weeks.  I will be blogging from Italy and can't wait to share our adventures so you can all feel like you've joined us.  "Cioa" or the country girl in me really wants to say "chow"...

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