Monday, February 28, 2011

A Little Notebook

Middle aged memory loss; I wish I could remember when it even started.  Hilarious to be in your car, start out driving somewhere and for a second at the first light not remember where you were headed.  Funny to be in the kitchen and head to the pantry and not know what you went there for....or I'll call someone to discuss something and then have no idea what it was (and it felt important at the time).  I prefer to think that I have so much going on in my head that it's not memory loss but brain overload; yea; let's go with that theory.

Almost really got myself into trouble last week when I temporarily forgot about the 7:45p yoga class (that I had planned and talked about all day) and fell into a little happy hour; nothing like a little buzzed yoga to end  the day; whoops!

This week I hope to get a little more current with technology and start using my phone's calendar.  I think I can even set it up to beep when I'm supposed to be somewhere, but for now I rely on the "little notebook" on my desk.  When my kids tell me they need something; my standard line is "write it down; you know mommy isn't going to remember unless you write it down".  The tricky part is to remember to take the list with you. 

I'm sure you can all appreciate the need for a "little notebook".  Journaling food, exercise, and just thoughts on the day can be very helpful.  Writing something down is the same as telling someone; it keeps you honest.  So for "Spring Training"; if you're having trouble getting started; use a "little notebook".  I already have a grocery list started; join me.

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