Sunday, February 20, 2011

Get Rid of Your Nemeses!

So as I continue to blog you will most likely come to learn to love my family and all the great things they add to my life.  My dad Bob; aka (secretly) "Archie"; (yes, as in Archie Bunker) has a lot of one liners that stick in your head and add weird value (or not) at just the right moment sometimes.  Take today; one of "Archie's" favorites to throw out has always been, "Fail to plan, plan to fail".  Now I know he stole this, but I always picture it coming out of his mouth.  The point is hopefully you are thinking about being stocked with healthy choices so when tomorrow rolls around you're not left starving thinking that you would eat anything including the kitchen sink.  I do know that Rice Krispies are not a great cereal choice; but they have been left in my cabinet for awhile waiting for me to make Rice Krispy Treats.  Even though I'm relatively young, I did grow up with the "finish your plate, think of the starving children in India" scenario and therefore it kills me to throw anything away.  I can't even think of how many plates of children's mac and cheese leftovers I felt forced to throw down my gullet in hopes of not wasting food.  So I headed to the grocery store and I am armed and ready for tomorrow.   I do have probably two more days of Rice Krispies but if that's the worst thing I put in my mouth this week I'm doing well.

I'm picking one of my food nemeses to ban from the house and my diet until at least next Christmas - Lipton's French Onion Dip; one bite and I can't stop; one sniff of it and I'm swooning; just looking at the box of Lipton's Onion Soup mix makes my mouth salivate.  I know losing a few doesn't have to mean complete deprivation, but the evil that this dish serves up for me no exercise can overcome.  So just for fun think of one think that you have a total weakness for and see how long you can go without it; and I'm telling you so you can hold me accountable; there better not be dip at Bachelor this week....

1 comment:

  1. I do realize that I've substituted the word "band" for "ban"; oh well.
