Call me a geek, but I am easily inspired by a simple phrase. Nike's iconic, "Just Do It" may be my favorite. It just works.
Maybe I grew up in the era of phrases. I feel like my parents used a lot that have stuck in my head. I use some and sometimes I laugh because my kids are like what does that mean. Truth is I don't always know, but sometimes they just fit the situation.
We should all use my dad's phrases regarding his philosophy on school, "Your lack of planning does not create a crisis for me", "Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail", and "Fail now, avoid the June rush". As my husband was helping one of our 9th graders study for a World History test at 11 pm last night, I really thought he should invoke one of these "Bobisms" (yes, that's you dad).
Then there's the "practice makes perfect" - so annoying when it came to a musical instrument, but in the end solid advice.
"Clean as a whistle" - how I felt after this weeks colonoscopy. If you haven't gone and you're over 50, you should. If you live in my neck of the words, call Dr. Vallabh -919-854-2500. Get it in before the end of the year - easy way to drop of few before the holidays.
"Colder than a well digger's ass", and "Colder than a Witches tit", probably political incorrect but when it's cold, I can't help myself. Since I don't know any "well diggers or witches" I feel like I'm in the clear.
"The freshmen 15" - I wish. It was more like 28.
Yes, I completed by second marathon in my 50th year. They were both awesome. I would liken a marathon to child birth. It's hideous when you're doing it but when it's over the reward was worth the pain. Things were pretty cool until miles 21 and over. I literally growned out loud between the 21st and 24th miles. I tried desperately to make a friend. My music sucked and I didn't have the wear with all to change it. I considered a four legged crawl. None of these crisis techniques worked for me. In the end, "Just Do It" was the best motivation of all.
I don't know what phrases are in or cool these days, so join me in trying to figure out how to "hashtag this"!