Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What To Tell My Sons

First, you will never find anyone like your mom - but if you are lucky you will come close.

Secondly, I get rights of first refusal. 

Thirdly, you cannot live here after the age of 25; okay 30, but that is my final offer.

I love and adore you, but you confound me.  My want for you is to be successful, happy, healthy adults.  That's all I ever wanted - it's an unwavering want filled with unconditional love that I know you are going to test.

Join me in having simple wants........

Editors Note - Although, I struggle to get the boys to read anything of educational value - someone has indeed clued them into my blog.  I lost a $5 bet to one yesterday that I did not specifically mention his name. 

So Gentlemen,

Since you're reading and your friends are reading and I did tweet this - here goes.........

If you both don't get a B or better on your big World History test today there is NO STATE FAIR this weekend.  Enjoy your Wednesday fellas.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. You are an inspiration to looks at things half full!
