Thursday, March 31, 2011

Healthy Delivered

Very excited about upcoming delivery of my "Produce Box".   Deliveries begin mid April.  If you didn't sign up for this last year; reconsider.  It's healthy delivered to your door.  If you don't live in the Raleigh/Cary area just google something like "fresh produce delivered to door".  You'll be surprised by what you may find.

Interesting article:

I know some people shared a box if they didn't think their family could eat it all; that's a great idea.  The Stylski's plowed through the box (shocking).  Yes, there were times things weren't perfect, but they never are at the grocery store either.  It's great to support a local farm actually trying to make a living farming and doing for me what I consider a great service; delivering something fresh, green and healthy to my door.  The kids did get a kick out of unpacking the box and trying some new things (somethings I had never seen or heard of before; and that's saying a lot for someone who has eaten pig's tongue and cow brains).

Great week to try something new in your "Spring Training" work out.  Very sore from "Cardio Mix Up" class yesterday.  Thankfully, not the sore that hurts to actually sit down on the toilet sore (like when you actually have to hold on to the walls) just happy sore.  I think it's great to change things up; no pain no gain; join me!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Second Chances

OMG, Chris Brown was awesome on "Dancing With The Stars" last night.  I've heard his music but have never seen him perform.  He is a very talented artist in my book.  I loved the show.  I'd pay to see him.  Now we all know his personal life was/is a mess.  Who knows what's tabloid and what's real.  He's definitely done some bad stuff.  He's about to be 22 years old.  That's all.  He's a baby.  Here's hoping he can turn his personal life around.

We all have people in our lives that make decisions that we don't get.  Maybe they are mistakes.  I come from a big family.  We've suffered through many bad decisions together.  A lot of times bad decisions affect everyone around us, but  the level of the effect is up to us.  The thing I've come to grips with (at my ripe old age of 48) is people's decisions are just that - people's decisions.  I can't change or dictate people's choices.  I don't want to engage in conversation about what could happen if a person makes a "perceived" bad decision.   I'm going to just let life play out.  It's not black or white to me; there's a lot of gray.  When people take a stand on their belief of another person's life decision there's usually a fork in the road with no turning back.  That's not always good.

My kids are teenagers.  I'm waiting for the bad decisions.  They will have to take responsibility for them and together we'll have to weather the storm.  I don't have to do that for anyone else except myself.  Thank goodness!!

I'm so proud of my daughter.  She made the decision to get active.  She also gave up meat for her Lenten sacrifice and is diligent about it.  She has the support of some great girlfriends.  She's happy she lost 2lbs; not that she needed to lose weight, but she is happy and comfortable because she feels good in her clothes and she feels good doing something positive for herself. 

I was doing so well with my choices until no one would  take the last bowl of "Double Strawberry" ice cream with (a few) shortbread cookies.  I just couldn't throw it away.  Luckily I get the chance to work it off today; join me!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Get Back on The Bus

This is what I'm telling myself this morning.  Get Back on The Bus, Get Back on The Bus!!  The healthy bus is calling me and I'm jumping on.  I almost wish that is was April 1 today, so I could get a completely new slate with a new month.  But it's Monday, the start of a new week and that is going to have to be good enough.

That paragraph was yesterday.  I'm sure I'm not alone that yesterday was one of those days that took a little more "mojo" to get going.  It was a classic cold, rainy, Monday.  It took me until 4:15p to go for a run (the sun had come out), but I did it.  I lost my mojo somewhere over the weekend.  Life's "omnipresent downs" got me down a little.  It's not a big deal.  We all have something similar to a dog (who ate chicken wings) with uncontrollable diarrhea.  Everyone has a similar story; something that stops you from being your best upbeat self; a job you don't like, a nasty boss, a whiny spouse, a bratty kid, illness, traffic - but I truly don't want to get caught up in this stuff; I'm just acknowledging that we all have it and it's about moving forward and not getting caught up in it.

Some days you can pick dog diarrhea up and it just doesn't bother you the same as it did the day before.  I'm going to have one of those days as I get back on the bus and head to the gym; join me!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pop Culture

Have you seen this video that your kids are all watching?  I actually find it catchy and the good news it's squeaky clean.  Not a bad word to be found.  The kids are kind of making fun of it, but they also secretly like it. 

Yesterday, I couldn't get it out of my head.  "It's Friday, Friday, Getting Down On Friday".  Still have a little of that working girl, college mentality in my head.  Meanwhile Friday really isn't any different than Tuesday to me, but oh well, another reason to celebrate something.

My birthday week is coming to a close sadly.  I don't think I'm going to be celebrating when I get on the scale Monday.  I'm going to make myself do it (but I don't wanna).  Next week is one of those classic early spring weather weeks; cold and rainy.  I'm going to make it a serious gym; get back on the bus "Spring Training" week; join me!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

House Party

I love hosting house parties.  I've definitely had my fair share; no one would dispute that....I have had Christmas Eve Open Houses for over 100 people, Thanksgivings, St. Patty's Day, Partylite (candles), "Back to School" (one of the most memorable neighborhood parties to date), Mary Kaye, Passion Parties (google it mom; I'm not going into a lot of detail on that one), Tupperware and on and on and on.  Always looking for a reason to celebrate life with friends and family is my motto.  I remember someone saying a while ago, "you'll burn yourself out eventually".   Burned out, no!  Slowed down, maybe....

Last night, I hosted a Partylite party, one of my current favorite vices.  I love candles.  They're sexy.  They create such a pretty ambiance.  They smell good.  I'd burn them all day if I could - sometimes I do.  I rallied late in the afternoon to make it a good party.  Yummy Black Bean Dip, Spicy Corn Dip,desserts and drinks were all served up.  I love the line, "just come, you don't have to buy anything?"  Does anyone really believe that?  Thanks for buying!  I enjoyed your company, the fun night and got a few free candles; hope that's okay.

In my past, I was once a Mary Kaye representative... pick your jaw off the ground and listen...very few get out of Texas unscathed in the Mary Kaye world of cosmetics.  I was young, working in TV advertising sales, went to a party and somehow was at the bank within the week getting the $1500 to start my business.   For me, this was an unsuccessful venture.  Why?  Well, Liz (my mom) took us very young to the cosmetic counter (Clinique for starters).  We are as a whole (sisters and mom included) cosmetic junkies.  When my mom walks into Nordstrom in the King of Prussia Mall; the ladies great her by name!   We're always looking for the new latest greatest product; there is no loyalty to one line.  I was doomed.  Everyone did enjoy Mary Kaye products for years to come as Christmas and Birthday presents.

Getting cleaned up and brainstorming my next party.  Join me...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sneaky Smokes

Let me say, I am not currently a smoker.  By declaring that it helps keep me clean (and hopefully prevents anyone I may have ever bummed one from offering me one on a girls night out).  But I have been a smoker at different times in my life.  It doesn't fit me or the life I want to live now.  When I say I want to live to see my kids live healthy and happy lives, I know that does not involve smoking, period.  

When I arrived at Marymount College, an all girls Catholic college in Tarrytown, NY, I was truly an innocent country girl happy to be out of state and in a state where I was legal to drink in 1981.  The first night there, I remember a group of girls and I walking downtown and each buying a case of "ponies" (short beers) and a pack of cigarettes.  No one asked questions.  It just seemed like the thing to do.  Everyone did it.  I was sick for 3 days.  That should have put a stop to it you would think, but it didn't deter me.  There were different brands for different years and different roommates since you were probably going to bum one every once in awhile.

I got snagged early on Freshmen year by mom (Liz).  Liz swears she's never taken a puff in her life.  My dad was a pack a day Pall Mall smoker until he turned like 63.  His doctor told him (seemingly for the first time) that it wasn't healthy and he should quit and he did - cold turkey (that's amazing)!!  Anyway, my parents had come up for parents weekend.  They had just arrived, walked into the lobby and Liz walks over to the cigarette machine that has a note on it "this machine owes Lysa Burns $1.25".  Totally embarrassing.

Since then it's been bouts of "Sneaky Smokes".  I've never thought it looked cool so it became a private vice.  Growing up the oldest of 5 kids, I know I have tendencies to be a "goody 2 shoes".  Smoking is naughty.  It made me feel secretly "bad".  It was a sneaky, bad, vice.  A sort of in your face, I'm in charge of my life (yea, slowly killing myself) bad choice.

The thing about "Sneaky Smokes" is they are in no way sneaky.  They stink.  It's so hard to sneak a smoke in today's anti smoking world.  I've also done the math.  It takes about 3 minutes to smoke a cigarette and it takes 10 minutes off your life.  That kind of defeats the purpose for me of "Spring Training" etc.  I now know why I never swam in the past besides the hair (another story).   Swimming makes you painstakingly aware of any lung damage you may have done to yourself.  I don't want to cause any more damage.

I swear, I'm not being righteous.  I totally get it.  It's something that definitely pops into my head.  But I don't want to and I'm in control of my life.  I'm not going to let anything control me.  Smoking, especially "Sneaky Smokes" can control your life as can other negative vices.  No negative vices.... Join me!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

From Patrick

My son Patrick wasn't named for a family member or my love of  "St Patrick's" day.  You're gonna love this one.  Think tennis...1997... US Open HOTTIE...yep, Patrick Rafter.  I was on bed rest incubating the boys and totally had a teenage crush on Patrick Rafter.  If I could have scored a poster, I would have put it on my wall like Shaun Cassidy back in the day.  In the end he is a "St Patty's" day Patrick; blue eyes, freckles, and a great sense of humor (a little mature for his age at times).  He is whimsical like a leprechaun.  He is creative and very bright.  He makes me laugh.  He makes everyone laugh which I'm pretty sure gets him into a little trouble in school at times. 

This is a special note Patrick gave me on my birthday this Sunday:


Your job in this house is to help and protect your kids and make life for us a whole lot easier and I think you're doing a fantastic job at that.  You don't need to make money!  I hope you still exercise and do very well in your (life is short) triathlons or marathons.  You are not going to give DAISY my best friend away because if you do I will run away!!  Keep up the good work with your job!"

"Out of the mouths of babes".  That note made me feel like Patrick likes and respects me.  He's deep for a 13 year old.  He makes me feel good about myself.  He's special.  I know he's going to choose to dance (probably too much at times), but I will always be a supporter.  Sorry Patrick, the jury's still out on Daisy's future even with the threat of your early departure.  I love you and hope you'll stay anyway.

My job has become a lot easier these days.  I try to mother to the best of my abilities and still make time for me.  My kids respect my activities and passions in life.  Being a good mother doesn't have to mean being completely enveloped in your kids; they want you to be you; what else are you going to have when they are gone?  Join me...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Choose To Dance

I celebrated my birthday with 3 of my sisters this weekend (one unfortunately had a business trip and couldn't make it).  We had a great time.  We always do.  It's a choice we make.  It's a choice anyone can make at anytime.

We ate, we drank, we laughed, we danced.  I did go for a long run with one of my sisters (the only part of the weekend that I can say was anything close to "Spring Training").  It was a beautiful run.  The sun was on our face and the wind was in our hair.  Cliche I know, but true.  For my sister and I this was a very special part of the weekend because it made us feel good (productive) and happy to be together sharing a beautiful day free of any responsibility.   Bonus, I got to see my mom on my birthday in my favorite hot spot with my god daughter.  I organized my day so I arrived home just in time for my family to take me out to dinner.  I don't even want to know how many calories were consumed Sunday.  I have a lot of work to do this week.

Yesterday was a total rehab day for me.  You know the old joke, "Betty Ford called and they saved a room for you", may actually apply.  But I'm back in the saddle today and ready to live my real life.  I know I'm lucky.  But I've made choices to live the life I'm living.  There's been good days and bad days; that's just life.   I choose to not live in the past.  I choose to continue to light candles and dance with no regrets; join me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I am Irish and Lucky

The Stylski's went to Ireland for Thanksgiving 2009.  One of my sisters joined us.  It was a beautiful place with friendly people, beautiful landscape and lots of interesting history.  I had just started being very conscious about what I was eating after a wardrobe debacle at a wedding in October, where I was forced to wear spanx with a dress that had previously not required undergarments.  Now that is motivation to start a diet plan.  I don't care what anyone says; undergarments are not comfortable and are serious gas producers.
So here we are in Ireland and the Stylski boys are in heaven.  Meat pie, potatoes,and more meat pie and potatoes.  They seemed to be able to eat meat morning (endless amounts available at the full Irish breakfast), noon and night.  Weird that Ireland is surrounded by water; not great selection of fresh fish available; when we found great fish it was very expensive; although it could have just been the season we were visiting.  I found that Ireland was similar to North Carolina in that their best fish dish was fried.  I ended up eating a lot of smoked salmon which filled my body with enough carcinogens to negate any health benefits by eating fish.  I didn't gain weight on a two week vacation that including drinking a lot of Guiness and Jamisons, so that was amazing; but we never stopped moving and as you know that helps.  Speaking of Guiness, my sister and I were shocked to find out that a pint of Guiness is only 126 calories for a 12 oz.; not bad at all.   We did also enjoy some delicious Irish coffee (with whipped cream of course)!
The point is being on a "Spring Training" plan is forever.  It doesn't go completely away on a vacation.  Being conscious of food decisions and exercise is a constant. 
--Five frogs are sitting on a log.  Four decide to jump off.  How many are left?  Answer: five. 
Why? Because there's a difference between deciding & doing.
This is supposedly and old Irish saying.  It says exactly what "Spring Training" is all about.  I'm jumping off the log; join me.
PS: Today is my 21st Wedding Anniversary; for that I am lucky and lucky to have had the opportunity to go to a beautiful country like Ireland with my beautiful family; what a great experience.
  Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Eat This Not That"

Love the book, "Eat This Not That",  .  It's been laying around on my desk and kitchen counter and my daughter keeps picking it up and browsing through it, making comments which then leads to discussions about the book and healthy food choices. 

My mom originally turned me onto this book.  She travelled for work and this book is a handy reference for eating out and making smart choices.  It's really hard to eat out a lot and really know what you're eating.  The calorie posting that restaurants are starting to do is a real eye opener.  I was shocked at Panera the other day at some of the menu items calorie counts.  The calorie information was so helpful in making my own personal food choice that day.  I'm excited for all eateries to be on board with this plan.  It's hard to ignore black and white information when it's staring you in the face.

So "The #1 Worst Food In America" is the Cheesecake Factory Bistro Shrimp Pasta".  It has 2,727 calories, 78g of saturated fat, and 1,737 mg of sodium.  I would have considered falling for this entree; shrimp/pasta; I think you're initial thought would be that it's a relatively healthy option.  Wow,  good to know!!

Food, life, it's all about choices.  I'm going to make mine healthy ones today; join me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Post Bachelor Blues

... or should I say food coma?  Bummer, my seat was the perfect one for unobstructed television viewing, but also smack dab in front of a huge array of snacks.  They were all healthy in their own right.  Let me review.  There was the "Healthy Garden Salad", posted this recipe on Facebook today; so good.  There was the homemade guacamole; delicious.  There was hummus and pita chips.  There were "Peanut Butter Jumbos", a seemingly healthy cookie; dark chocolate chips, peanut butter, oatmeal; all good for you ingrediants and bonus gluten free.  I made it through one hour and then I thought well let me just taste this healthy dip; yep; uh oh is right; I fell; I fell hard; let the eating begin.

And let me say my intentions were so good.  Don't go to the party hungry, I thought to myself all day.  I made the "Fall Off the Bone Baby Back Ribs" for dinner, but my daughter and I ate baked potatoes and spinach instead.  When the "Peanut Butter Jumbos" were hot out of the oven I had one.  That's when they are the best; hot, melting chocolate and peanut butter with a little crunch of the oatmeal....oh boy.  I purposefully thought to myself, I'm going to treat myself now and then just stay away later; good idea right? 

Well, like I said I think I was good until at least 9 maybe 9:15.  The problem was with all the stops and starts of the show, we didn't finish watching until almost midnight.  There was a lot of time to fill in there with eating.  Now I know why it's best just to go to bed early, but this was a special occasion; the finale.

Emily is a classy lady and I can understand her watching the show and now not feeling so special.  But has she not seen the show before?   He had to string someone else along until the end.  That's just the show.  They are not going to make it sorry to say for all you romantics out there; that's just my psychic sense. 

Lot's of exercise planned this week but probably not enough to cover last nights snacks.  The trick is to not continue today.  Just like Brad and Emily's romance blossomed and then died on The Bachelor last night, so did my party snacking for the week.  I totally just have to go to bed before I get hungry and it's too late....join me.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Love For Reality TV

The Bachelor Finale is on tonight and to say I'm a little excited is an understatement.   Here's the true reality; he may have found love and yep it's probably over already, but thanks to Brad Womack, I've had a few good girls nights out watching and laughing over the show and eating and drinking wine together with my girl friends and that is what reality television is to me; girl bonding; period.

Reality TV probably started for me with soaps like "All My Children" and "General Hospital" in college.  I mean who can forget Luke and Laura; what a love story!  Then there was the "Dallas" and "Dynasty" era.  I watched just for the fabulous fashion of Linda Evans and Joan Collins and envied the natural beauty of Heather Locklear (Sammy Jo).   We grew up with "Days of Our Lives" on in the afternoons and confession: I tape it everyday.  I don't necessarily watch it every day, but it's like a blankie; I'm happy to know that I could.  Yes, it's mindless and stupid and whatever other negative things you brainiacs want to say about it, but every once it a while it's nice to slip away from life's realities and fall into Salem for awhile.  I actually visited the set one time I was in California; I need to find those pictures of me in "Salem Place".

So research tells me Alex Michael was the first "Bachelor" and Trista Rehn was the first "Bachelorette".  That all seems so long ago.  Oh, to be in my 20's again.  My mom probably won't like this, but I would have loved to have been the Bachelorette.  I mean 25 hotties and me, travelling all over the world, all expenses paid.  They drink and eat sun up to sun down.  Then there's the fantasy suites; don't even get me started on that....I have a question; do those girls practice the running, jumping, throwing their legs around the hottie who then effortlessly catches them?   Listen that Chantal is no small girl; I'm thinking Brad picks Emily just so he doesn't have to keep bench pressing.

One of my buddy's has organized tonight's festivities.  I've hosted a few in my time.  Tonight our party digs are first rate; actually like a mini theatre; full of appetizers, desserts and endless bottles of wine.  Now, if I can just keep a lid on some of the ladies so we can finish watching by midnight; ah the beauty of tevo (and we can repeat the overnight date highlights over and over).

I know I'm too old to run and jump and have anyone catch me.  But part of my "Spring Training" mindset is pretending that should I have been the "Bachelorette"; my suitor could possible catch me; good short term goal?  Join me...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Good To Give

Participated in a fun night volunteering for an organization called Anna's Angels.  My daughter and I volunteered together and even squeaked in a late night dance together.  She's still in bed.  I guess she can't hang with her mom on a Saturday night. 

Anna's Angels has raised over 650,000 for Downs Syndrome Research.  It's an awesome cause filled with a lot of devoted supporters.   Feel free to check it out.

Anyway, we all know and have connections to causes that have volunteer needs.  Volunteering is a good thing and when the job is done you feel a definite sense of "it's good to give".   Find your cause; volunteer; join me!

PS:  So easy to give $ and get exercise by signing up for one of the many run/walks that are around in your community.

PSS:  Is it bad that I defrosted bread to make Bread Pudding tonight?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Get Dirty

Well, my long awaited first road bike ride happened yesterday; it was very spontaneous.   What a blast!  If you're looking at the picture you should be saying to yourself, "she did say "road bike" and not "mountain bike".  Ahhh, I may be more cut out for mountain biking, but I did great until the last turn for the home stretch....

I put out a couple feelers yesterday to people that I know are interested in biking.  Then decided to call my tennis friend who's husband (pretty professional biker) gave me the bike to see if maybe he would take me out and show me the ropes.  I just wanted to go out at least one time with someone who knew what they were doing and where to go.  Keep in mind, when I met him at 1:15p, I barely knew where the brakes were and for sure didn't know how to change the gears let alone when.  My biking buddy was awesome; patient, fun and positive about my progress.  When we were about a mile from returning home, the endorphins were definitely kicking in for me.  I decided to ask if he knew approximately how many calories we may have burned on our 1 1/2 hour trek (I think he said like 21 miles).  He thought about 700.  I said, "yea, I've totally earned a glass of chardonnay."  He holds up two fingers.  I consider fist pumping at this point.  I'm giddy now.  I'm close behind him and make a big novice biking mistake on last turn.  I didn't have my hands anywhere near the brakes; was totally too close to his bike; going too fast to make turn and flew over handle bars directly (pretty much face first) into huge mud puddle.

Now, there was definitely some divine intervention in the fact that the farm was watering and there was a mud puddle.  A mud puddle makes for a messy, but cushioned fall; thank god.  Seriously, this could have turned out bad, but it didn't.  I'm a little sore, bruised, and my clothes and bike definitely need a wash.  Biking is great.  Loved being outside.  Seeing local things much further out than you can on a run is awesome too!

Anyway, obviously my appearance was a little shocking to my kids.  Had to drive my daughter to drivers education at the High School immediately; she asked me to at least please take my muddy helmet off (I'm sure she was mortified).  The boys thought it was awesome, of course.

Being fully engaged in living life may mean getting a little dirty sometimes.  I'm in; join me.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Let Them Eat Cake

This is a tough call.  I love cake.  I love dessert in general.  And I love making dessert and watching my families happy face when they enjoy the fruits of my labor.  Active kids can afford the calories of dessert.  But by serving it every night, aren't we training them to want something sweet everyday?  Is that bad/healthy?  Haven't we been trained to want something sweet after dinner?  I'm looking into some healthy, low calorie options (Daisy's shock collar does come to mind) for myself and my family.

I started a Facebook Fan Page a while ago, "Stop Children's Snacks After Every Sporting Event".  I felt very passionate about this when the kids started playing organized sports when they were like 5.  I just didn't understand why there was a concerted effort to organize a parent to bring cookies and a juice box (probably at least 400 calories of junk) every time the kids ran around for maybe an hour.  You can imagine my kids horror when I broke ranks a few times and passed around clementines.  When my kids were like 8 or 9, they actually accused me of being cheap because they thought I was just trying to cut costs by serving clementines.  I've gone to extremes to avoid "snacks"; ignored emails, tolerated the organizing moms' dirty looks, looked "shocked" when somebody brings out snacks.  It was never about being cheap, I never believed in the premise, and tried to not participate (which basically meant other people just supplied my kids with snacks).  Aren't we just overindulging our kids?  "Snacks" is like buying their participation at an early age to get them to like exercise?  I actually had a soccer mom early on tell me, "kids play for snacks".  Well, that's not good training for adulthood - period!  Anyway, I'm never going to "Stop Snacks", but I'm glad my kids are older and I don't have to deal with team snacks anymore. 

Just for the record, I feel the same about birthday party goodie bags.  Total overindulgence of junk!!  When did this bag of junk get started?  I don't remember having goodie bags.  Of course back in my day, you chose a party (which consisted of cake and ice cream) or a present.  I tried to simplify the birthday celebrations here, but cutting out the party goodie bag was basically touted as possibly ruining my childs' social life for the rest of their life and you'd hate for anyone to think that you are just a party pooper or worse cheap.

So this is where I feel totally hypocritical; dessert.  Aren't we trained that we deserve a treat at the end of the day?  And you know what maybe we do, so I'm thinking of just trying to mix up the options.  One of my gym instructors recently raved about Asian Pears and Blue Cheese; yum!!  I recently served up pear, pineapple, sliced apples as options and you know what; everyone ate it and liked it; including myself.  I'm sure that didn't prevent one of my 13 year old boys from hitting the snack cabinet and grabbing some cookies out of my sight (or so he thought).  I recently bought a huge selection of Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches (140 calories each).  They are great.  I stocked up on sherbets.  I've made Angel Food Cake from scratch (a good low calorie option and fat free) and it was so good.

I firmly believe life is a celebration which to me equals dessert.  It's hard to avoid dessert most nights.  So why not indulge, but make it smart.   And jeez, if you can't eat dessert when you're a 13 old boy when can you?  Anyway, last night I did enjoy a reasonable serving of Rainbow Sherbet.  Oh my gosh, haven't had sherbet in a long time, yummy!  So smart dessert options are part of my "Spring Training" mantra; join me.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Great article from last year -

March 23, 2010 -- Weight gain with age is common. But middle-aged women who start out at a healthy weight and get in an hour of moderate activity every day can avoid weight gain, according to a new study.

Good News:  tennis counts as "moderate exercise".

I've had periods of my life where I'd designate certain days as exercise days.  That's stopped now. Everyday is an active day.  The problem with saying okay Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are my exercise days is too many variables happen that can prevent activity on those days like somebody's sick, you don't feel good, some weird family emergency happens etc. it's just too restrictive for real life.  If you plan for something everyday, emergencies are still going to happen, but then most likely you'll get in 4-5 days of exercise and not 0.  I'm enjoying changing it up with what the exercise is to prevent injury and overuse.  I mix in some yoga and pilates for stretching and toning and they just feel good.  I did recently try my second spin class in a year and thought I was going to die (seriously).  That is freaking hard!  You spinners are crazy (and I mean that in the nicest of ways).  Spinning seems very extreme to me which is attractive in some aspects and not so much in others (the groups extreme production of heat and stinky sweat was almost too much to bare).  I'm going to give it the 3 strike rule to see if I really don't like it or it was just the uncontrollable breathing (my heart felt like it was going to break free of my chest), sweating and numbness in my legs I wasn't enjoying.  The instructor's beautiful "fake" boobs bobbing back and forth on her bike did make me consider that consultation a little more seriously; oh but I digress.

Bad News:  Anything other than water is probably not great for you.

I'd swear I thought Dr Oz said if you gave up "diet soda" you'd lose 10 pounds in a year because of all the sodium.  Anyway, according to this article he must of meant regular soda.  The point is sugary drinks are added unnecessary calories.  I remember when the kids were all babies and my doctor would ask me if I was drinking enough water I'd say, "if it doesn't have caffeine or alcohol in it, I'm not interested."  Now, I've somewhat changed my view on this statement.  I maintain that water doesn't make me feel full, but it does make me feel better.  The Stylski house doesn't stock soda.  Soda is a treat.  I don't think that's an unreasonable plan and a simple one. 

The Ugly:  New Diet Pill called "Alli"

He's not kidding.  Lot's of funny stories regarding Alli.  Funny but wrong - very, very wrong. 

So it's back to what you've known all along for successful "Spring Training", exercise, drink water, and  eat healthy foods in healthy portion sizes.  There is no magic to live your most healthy life other than the magic you can create in yourself by feeling great about what you've accomplished that day; one day at a time.  That's life - join me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Napping Nirvana

There's so many articles on the benefits of napping you have to have seen at least one.  I'm a huge believer in a little power nap.  There's nothing better than shutting down for a few minutes in the middle of the day and recharging.  Everyone can do it, but you have to want to and make it happen.  For me, napping is nirvana.

When my kids were little, I was considered a "Napping Nazi".  There were no exceptions.  There was a strict nap time and everyone abided by it.  Friends and family knew 1-3p was a no call zone.  Kudos to moms that can survive a non napping kid, but I'm going to say in general it's not the kid that's non napping; it's the mom that can't shut down.  My kids took 2 hour naps until they went to school and were part of the minority that might have fallen asleep during nap time in kindergarten.  I didn't sleep for 2 hours every time they took a nap, but I got a little shut eye and then was much more capable of getting things done (and I'm guessing was a much nicer mom). 

Napping skills may be genetic (I'm not ruling this possibility out).  My parents probably still take a little nap everyday and I know at least one of my sisters tries to slip one in.  When we're together as a family for a holiday, there's a nap shut down time in the afternoon for everyone; no exceptions.  If you're not napping, you better find something quiet to do.  It's so fun to climb in with one of my nieces or nephews, snuggle up, read a book and then snore the afternoon away together.   Side bar; sometimes the nap may be a requirement due to raging Happy Hour the night before or preparing for the current day's Happy Hour; that's just how holiday's work in the Burns house.  Second side bar: if you've ever had one of my dad's drinks, you understand the need for napping in Kennett Square.

My kids are embarrassed now at my napping antics.  I'm never opposed to driving them to gymnastics, tutoring, or tennis lessons etc.  Know why?  My car is the best napping zone ever.  First off, Daisy (my dog) is not around to bark.  I swear she has a keen sense of when I'm trying to score a little shut eye at home (and you know she loves to torture me).  Every movement outside is an excuse to bark (thank god for the shock collar as previously mentioned).   When left with a few spare minutes in my car, I just find a nice shady parking spot, put my chair in recline, sometimes put my feet out the window and pass out.  It's awesome!!  I wake up refreshed and ready for the next activity. 

So when I say I got up before 6am, ran, played tennis and swam, you now know my secret; I took a little nap.  And it was nirvana - join me!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shocking Confession

If we haven't shared a cocktail together in our tennis outfits, then you might not know this story.   Everyone here in the ladies tennis community in Cary knows, I'm a little competitive on the tennis courts (that may be the understatement of the year); but what they might not know is I played High School tennis for 4 years; singles and doubles and never (seriously) won a tennis match.  My mom can vouch for this as I think she witnessed and suffered through most of the 4 years (I may have banned her from a couple thinking it was possibly her fault).  No, I didn't go to a sports therapists.  I did hang up my racket from 1981 until 1991.  But now it's the start of the 2011 USTA Spring Season; I'm psyched and I would guess I might be one person you don't want to see in a 3rd set tiebreaker; I'm not going to lose; you're going to have to beat me.

I have to say, I haven't read a book about why people are chokers in a long time, but this article recently provided some answers  I would guess, I had a lot of performance anxiety.  I was trying so hard and knew I had the skills, but couldn't put it all together on the courts.  I can still actually remember how my arm felt (numb and tingly) like it was it's own entity; something that I had no control over (sort of an out of body experience).  I worked my way through it when I returned to competitive tennis matches in my mid 30's; it took a year or two of deep breaths, winning a few matches and just embracing what winning felt like (let's just say good). There's definitely something to be said for maturing and life experiences that give you the confidence to get back out there and figure out what to do to have fun and play to the best of your abilities win or lose. 

As much mental fortitude and positive energy as it's taken to get my tennis game back over the years, I'm applying to my "Spring Training".   I have a lot of energy.  To avoid tightness in a match, I go for a little run.  This may sound a little overboard, but it loosens me up and makes me a little tired which is good because I then have to be a little conservative/smarter on the court.  I also have embraced a tennis professionals advice, "get in shape to play tennis, don't play tennis to get into shape".  Figure out what you need to do to play your best today no matter what fun activity you choose to do; join me....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Where's The Remote/Please Buzz Me!

The tale of the shock collar and why I should probably wear one -

We have a dog Daisy.  She is a black standard poodle who weighs about 60 lbs and research says she should be brilliant.  She's brilliant all right; at torturing me.   I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but honestly, I just prefer small dogs.  They're easier.  You don't have to use a shovel to clean up poop.  If a small dog jumps on someone's leg, people think it's cute.  Daisy jumping on people not so much.   She pushes my limits everyday.  She acts like a goat, she'll eat anything.  She's eaten whole cakes, Halloween candy, homemade Tuna Noodle Casserole, loaves of bread and much much more.  Then there's the reprocutions of a dog eating junk; the puke.  When the kids are outside, she runs to every window/door and slams her 60 lbs into it like she's going to break free and join them.  When she doesn't get her way, she likes to have an "accident" to show me who's the boss.

One of my sisters and her husband don't like pets.  They have gotten a lot of flack for this; honestly I get it.  Pets are a lot of work.  The poop, the pee, the puke - especially if you have little kids; why would you torture yourself with the extra burden of taking care of an animal.  I liken people trying to talk people into pets as the same as when people initially badger newleyweds on when they're going to have kids:  MISERY LOVES COMPANY!!

I don't want to hear any solutions to my Daisy problem.  I solved my problem for the most part i.e. the newly purchased shock collar with remote.  This has possible saved my sanity.  Now, I told you she's smart.  For the most part, her behavior is better just having it on with the threat of what could happen.  I only have had to use the tone to get her to behave, she's never experienced the shock.  The trick is keeping it charged.  I swear she knows the second the batteries go bad.

So, I have been laughing to myself lately as I freshened her batteries and got her naughty behavior under control.  Wouldn't it be great if someone could "shock" me with a remote when I go in for something naughty in the snack cabinet; or for that glass of chardonnay when I said I wasn't going to have one?  I'm going to just pretend this is possible.  It may keep me honest; it'll definitely make me think twice - join me!

PS:  It's kind of tongue in cheek; it's a love/hate thing.  Animal lovers need not respond.  I get it.  Pets are great additions to family life (as long as they're wearing a shock collar)!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pick Your Poison

I've always liked this expression and since it originally refers to alcohol it's perfect for me.  But today, I'm thinking of it as an expression for finding different ways to be active; there's so many ways to explore.  I'm not just a runner anymore and this is how it happened; bear with me and I think you'll see where I'm going with this...

Summer 2009, after a very grueling Spring USTA tennis season; lots of hard fought singles matches and the team had made it to the NC State Tournament in Pinehurst; I was really hurting.  I went to a Orthopedic Surgeon about one of my knees; I had really tweaked it.  Young Dr; very nice; basically says most likely there is a tear in my meniscus (MRI somewhat inclusive), but suggests strengthening my quads and hamstrings and see if that doesn't help the situation; says surgery just not a 100% guarantee to fix situation.  The word surgery scared me enough to try his suggestions of strengthening the other parts of my legs.  It just made sense to me.  I really had only been running and playing tennis, so I knew I had been overusing the same muscles and could stand a fitness overhaul.  Around this time, our fitness center added a young female trainer and we started doing a Bootcamp program; lots of push ups, lunges, squats etc.  My knee didn't feel great, but I could get through the training babying it.  Then I did a couple personal training sessions with the new female fitness instructor to specifically work on hamstrings, core, and upper body strength.  This is the training that really turned things around for me.  Old expression, but "knock on wood", I have not had knee pain since. 

Honestly, I had belonged to a fitness center for years and had never used it.  I had read the book, and knew I should be doing more strength training; had dabbled at it at different times, but just wasn't committed to it.  If you're looking for a program and don't want to go to a gym or don't belong to one this is a good program.  I've seen people use it and get amazing results.

To be active and get fit there are so many choices.  Don't pigeon hole yourself into one thing.  Don't tell yourself there's anything you can't or won't do.  I used to say I didn't like group fitness and now I do (as long as it doesn't call for a step!)  Previously, I would walk into the equipment area of the fitness center and walk out because I didn't have a plan; but now I do and I enjoy it and can see the results.  I didn't know I could swim; it's been quite awhile since I was on the swim team at the Twin Valley Recreation Center; probably summer of 1975.  I had to give up good hair; but that's okay.  I'm open to finding new "poisons"; join me!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

About Me....

Thought this morning would be a good time to explain the "About Me" section of my blog. 

"I'm a little Beverly Hills Housewife"...   Well, I certainly have a nice house and I enjoy going out to lunch and shopping with my girlfriends.  I love designer jeans and putting on a gown for a good cause.  I'm not opposed to botox or really any form of plastic surgery (I think I've already mentioned I love fake boobs) is alright by me.  So on a very superficial level, you get the similarities.

..."meets Jersey Shore"; hence the disappearing blogger yesterday.  I love to have a good time.  Thursday night I was going out with a friend "for a drink" to catch up (she's recently reentered the work force).   After two Blueberry Martini's, (they were so good) we headed closer to home for a nightcap (no, I was not driving).  Anyway, quickly made some new friends at the bar (I'm totally bellied up at this point); somehow get on to conversation of shots; discuss mutual love of "jaegger" and bam 0-60 it's 2 am and I'm a few "jaeggers" in.  Needless to say, my 6a wake up alarm was rough, but survived it.  I still considered operating a road bike at 9a, but realized this would not be a safe plan.  My buddy brought me an Egg McMuffin, Hi C and yes, I ate hash browns too (don't tell me calorie count; I truly don't want know).   Now, this party girl doesn't show up often; but when she does she would make Snooki proud.

..."meets the Waltons"; now you have to be middle aged to even know who the Waltons were (it was a show about a family in the country that was on television in the 70's).  They ended every show with "night John Boy".  I grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania.  For a long time, my sisters and I would say goodnight with "night John Boy".  It's something that will be forever stuck in my head.  My family life then and now seems very "Waltonish" to me; pure, steady, and full of routines.

Anyway, as I guess you can tell, I'm a very passionate person and "moderate" is probably not a word I would use to describe myself.  I will tell you this...even though yesterday was a little rough; I don't have any regrets and I managed to go swimming at 3:30 so hopefully I didn't do too much damage with the McDonald's Hash Browns.  So today is a new day and I am doing a St Patty's race in downtown Raleigh.  I haven't done a organized run in a long time, but I'm excited.  It starts and stops at Ri Ra (Irish Pub); I'm pretty sure there's a beer in my future today; but it's Saturday, so what the heck; join me!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sometimes Horoscopes Are Right On....

I love a good horoscope.  This was mine yesterday, but I just caught it...

"Continue on your journey for more substance in your life today -- skip out on the gossip sessions and go read a challenging book. If you feed your mind complex ideas, you will encourage the development of more complex emotions. The idea of endurance is extremely important today, so give more attention to concepts that have stood the test of time. (Consider, 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you' and 'Never judge a book by its cover.') Stop taking shortcuts in communication."

This is the weird part.  It speaks of endurance.  I went on a 10 mile run.  It speaks of reading a challenging book and skipping gossip.  I had planned a lunch and Barnes and Noble trip with a non gossiper/good reader friend.  We had a healthy lunch, good conversation and she helped me pick out a good book (3 actually).

This is my (self created, very simple) horoscope for today:  I'm going to be active and not make a pig out of myself; join me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Fever for "Spring Training"

From what I'm gathering, I'm not alone in my quest to stay active, eat healthy and possibly drop a few pounds before I'm forced to put a bathing suit on.  Yesterday was an unbelievably active day; unfortunately I don't think I maintained great control over the eating; I curse the child who brought in the "Cheddar Flavored Jalapeno Cheetos"; I have to say they actually made me feel a little sick. 

Now I did a clean out of my weaknesses.  I'm stocked with a lot of healthy options.  The problem is eating too much of a good thing; repeat after me "portion control".  My problem is I like to feel full; I don't like to feel hungry; and that "drink water; it'll make you feel full" is total BS. 

Everyone knows you're not supposed to eat at night.  Everyone knows your last meal is supposed to be three hours before you go to bed.  The problem is I really don't like to go to bed hungry; so the trick is to get to bed before hunger kicks in; easier said than done most nights.  One of my healthy; always maintains the same weight friend's trick is to drink tea.  In fact, at one point I had designated "skinny girls drink tea", as my mantra; I'm going to try to get back to that tonight.  I actually found a Orange Chocolate Green Tea; this could work tonight; then there's Super Dieter's Tea; but that a whole other blog topic.

So these are my 3 nemeses right now that are totally sabotaging me; eating until I feel full; eating too much of a "good for you" food, and saying no to kids foods like "Cheetos".  It's always something; that's the thing; you have to just keep fighting it; join me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No Absolutes

I'm a morning person.  Once I stand up, I'm on the run.  I get up before 6am five mornings a week and I really don't mind.  The kids are gone by 7:15am.  The dish washer is unloaded, wash is started and beds are made early.  So I have/had this exercise absolute; if it didn't get done before noon; it didn't happen.  Afternoons (before kids got home) were my total relaxation time.  It was a good plan.  I still prefer it, but it can't be an absolute. I've got to be a little flexible (not something I'm known for) when it comes to getting exercise in most days; sometimes mornings are just out.

Swimming started the change.  I have a swimming buddy that can go on their lunch hour.  It's took two afternoon swims to realize afternoon exercise was not impossible and it was fun.  Last week, I really tested myself; cleaned all morning and planned a run to the pool for a swim; then a run home.  I did it!  I'm sure I crashed early.

Regarding "Spring Training"; Red Carpet party/visit with sister means abstinence from partying did not kick off on Sunday night.  Somehow last night there was a delicious chilled chardonnay in my refrigerator that just seemed to go so well with the fish tacos; I couldn't resist.  I'm going to make myself get on the scale this morning; that should scare me into sobriety tonight; join me.